In 2020, Decca founded the non-profit Standing for Equity In the Roanoke Valley or SERV. SERV's mission is to speak out against racism through education, advocacy, and engagement in the Roanoke Valley. We strive to own our privilege and use it to disrupt racism in various forms. 

SERV Mission:

As leaders in SERV, we strive to own our privilege and use it to disrupt racism in all its various forms. To do that we will:

-Educate others about a number of race-related issues, including privilege, implicit bias, stereotypes, microaggressions, systemic and historical racism, and racial trauma.

-Advocate locally and nationally alongside our Black Friends and organizations by walking in tandem with, or behind, our Black friends, not in front of them. 

-Remain apolitical, as racial justice can occur in any area of the political spectrum. 

- Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. We understand that discussions around race can be difficult and may cause many to feel defensive and vulnerable. We commit to continue educating ourselves and to having hard conversations.

- Invite all cultures, races, and orientations to join us in raising our voices for equity and racial justice.

Find out more about Standing for Equity 

in the Roanoke Valley (SERV) here
